There are few things more exciting and meaningful for a farmer than breaking ground; the thrill of taking a patch of fallow earth and making it into something it was not, the rich brown of the fresh-turned soil, and the hope of good crops to come. This particular patch of earth is special to the Greene farmers. Many decades ago, Sherman Weaver, my great-grandfather, lived in the house we live in now. His neighbors, Mr. Vernon Jones and Mr. Hoyt Carrol, lived in the next two houses down. These three men worked together every year to make their three spacious backyards into one big garden patch, sharing a little tractor that they parked under a shed at the edge of the woods. Many people say that farming runs in certain peoples' blood; perhaps it runs in land, too. All three men have long since passed away and their land had said goodbye to its farming days, but not forever. We were able to carry on the farming legacy on Sherman Weaver's land, cultivating and expanding it into what into what it is today. Last fall, we purchased what was Mr. Vernon Jones's house and land. This spring, that farm land is waking up after many years of sleep under the grass. We have broken the fallow ground and planted the first summer crop it has seen in a long time. Before the summer is out, some of you may help us taste that crop.
Mr. Jones's backyard in December, with the back of his house in the distance. |
The groundbreaking begins... |
...and the field is prepared. |
The view from the other end. The little shed that housed the tractor
still stands; if you look closely, you can see it under the trees. |
Anne Marie Greene
Thanks for sharing this story about the legacy of your land. I know that your great grandfather and his friends would be very proud!! Keep us posted.