Life at Greene Family Farm

Seth and the Leprechaun.
Seth is easy to see; it's a little harder with the leprechaun.
We live a sheltered life, and one of the BIG events for us is the Fair. We spend a lot of time at the Fair. We visit the animals everyday. We eat a lot of food we don't normally eat. We see a lot of people we don't normally see. We enjoy all of it, but we are always glad when it's over. Afterwards, my younger son Seth and I were enjoying getting back to normal and were talking about life at Greene Family Farm. He is quite the philosopher sometimes, and, after we had talked a good deal about the things that we like about how we live and how we work, he said,

"Daddy, if I were a pig, I'd want to be yours." 

I laughed at first, but he meant something serious by it. We are very careful about how we do things at Greene Family Farm. That doesn't mean we're perfect. We make a lot of mistakes. We learn by trial and error, and sometimes it's mostly error. But what Seth saw was that we treat things well here. We treat each other well. We treat our soil well. We treat our plants and our trees well. We treat our chickens well. And, yes, we treat our pigs well. Life at Greene Family Farm is good.
Oscar and Buck – Doing What Happy Pigs Do
